Director: Julian Jones
Production: 72 Films
After the success of documentary series The Rise of the Nazis, Tom was delighted to work with Julian Jones and 72 Films again to deliver the soundtrack for Royal Bastards: Rise of The Tudors, a three-part series for Sky History and Now TV.
Reimagining Medieval/early Renaissance music for analog synths, the project quickly became a big 'concept’ score. Beginning first with the ‘period’ trail, Tom worked with Jude Rees who recorded Soprano Shawm, Alto Shawm, Crumhorn, Bagpipes, Curtal and Hurdy Gurdy, before Chris Warner set about transforming the material into a playable Kontakt instrument. With the help of Bankey Ojo and Ollie Howell (with his Korg Volca), they then set about creating modern textures and other colours with a distinct medieval flavour.
All three episodes of Royal Bastards: Rise of the Tudors are available to stream now.